Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services for Breakthrough Solutions for 100% Renewable Energy Supply in Buildings
procuRE is a PCP to buy R&D services to support cities' transition to carbon neutrality. The procurement aims to trigger new solutions to be developed and tested to address the common challenge: Achieving 100% Renewable Energy Supply in existing public buildings.
Suppliers are to design, develop, and test an innovative Renovation Approach capable of generating Renovation Packages delivering 100% renewable energy supply to any existing non-residential building with adequate envelope quality. The Renovation Approach is to be tested through generating and implementing Renovation Packages for specific non-residential buildings in Buyers Group portfolios, the Demonstration Sites.
More information can be found on the procuRE website:
Rok za prejem ponudb je bil 2022-02-22.
Javno naročilo je bilo objavljeno na 2021-11-24.
V odločitvah o oddaji naročila ali drugih dokumentih o javnem naročilu so navedeni naslednji dobavitelji:
Obvestilo o javnem naročilu (2021-11-24) Naročnik Ime in naslovi
Ime: Energy agency of Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška region (KSSENA)
Nacionalna registrska številka: SI58743359
Poštni naslov: Koroška cesta 37A
Poštno mesto: Velenje
Poštna številka: 3320
Država: Slovenija 🇸🇮
Kontaktna oseba: Niko Natek
Telefon: +386 38961/520📞
Regija: Savinjska🏙️
Naslov profila kupca:🌏
Naročnik (dodatno)
Ime: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
Nacionalna registrska številka: ESP0800258F
Poštni naslov: c/62 num. 16-18, ed. B 6a planta, Zona Tranca
Poštno mesto: Barcelona
Naročnik (dodatno)
Ime: Energaia – Energy Agency South of the Porto Metropolitan Area
Nacionalna registrska številka: PT504454536
Poštni naslov: Av. Manuel Violas, 476, Sala 23
Poštno mesto: Vila Nova de Gaia
Regija: İstanbul 🏙️
URL:🌏 Informacije o skupnem javnem naročanju
Pogodba vključuje skupno javno naročilo
V primeru skupnega javnega naročila, ki vključuje različne države, navedite veljavno nacionalno zakonodajo o javnem naročanju:
“This pre-commercial procurement is carried out by KSSENA who was appointed as lead procurer in the name and on behalf of the buyers group listed in I.1. The...”
V primeru skupnega javnega naročila, ki vključuje različne države, navedite veljavno nacionalno zakonodajo o javnem naročanju
This pre-commercial procurement is carried out by KSSENA who was appointed as lead procurer in the name and on behalf of the buyers group listed in I.1. The applicable national law is Slovenian.
Objekt Področje uporabe javnega naročila
“Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services for Breakthrough Solutions for 100% Renewable Energy Supply in Buildings”
Izdelki/storitve: Storitve na področju raziskav in eksperimentalnega razvoja📦
Kratek opis:
“procuRE is a PCP to buy R&D services to support cities' transition to carbon neutrality. The procurement aims to trigger new solutions to be developed and...”
Kratek opis
procuRE is a PCP to buy R&D services to support cities' transition to carbon neutrality. The procurement aims to trigger new solutions to be developed and tested to address the common challenge: Achieving 100% Renewable Energy Supply in existing public buildings.
Suppliers are to design, develop, and test an innovative Renovation Approach capable of generating Renovation Packages delivering 100% renewable energy supply to any existing non-residential building with adequate envelope quality. The Renovation Approach is to be tested through generating and implementing Renovation Packages for specific non-residential buildings in Buyers Group portfolios, the Demonstration Sites.
More information can be found on the procuRE website:
Pokaži več
Ocenjena vrednost brez DDV: EUR 6 295 082 💰
Testing is expected to take place in Velenje (Slovenia); Barcelona (Spain); Nuremberg (Germany); Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal); Istanbul (Turkey); Eilat (Israel).
Pokaži več
Opis javnega naročila:
“The procurement will take the form of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) under which R&D service contracts will be awarded to R&D providers in parallel in a...”
Opis javnega naročila
The procurement will take the form of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) under which R&D service contracts will be awarded to R&D providers in parallel in a phased approach. This will make it possible to compare competing alternative solutions. Each selected operator will be awarded a framework agreement that covers three R&D phases. The three phases are: solution design, prototype development, original development and validation and testing of a limited volume of first products or services. After each phase, intermediate evaluations will be carried out to select the best of the competing solutions. The contractors with the best value-for-money solutions will be offered a specific contract for the next phase.
The selected operators will retain ownership of the intellectual property rights (IPRs) that they generate during the PCP and will be able to use them to exploit the full market potential of the developed solutions i.e. beyond the procurement. The market potential is estimated to be the majority of educational buildings (780,000) and offices (3.4 million) across Europe.
In their proposal, tenderers are requested to describe a Renovation Approach which can be applied to any school or office across the EU in response to the Challenge Brief (TD2). The Renovation Approach constitutes the set of methods, technologies, services and devices integrated in a well-documented toolkit with which suppliers tackle the 100% RES challenge in any specific building. During the project, tenderers are expected to apply their Renovation Approach in full to the Demonstration Sites. In their proposal, suppliers are to apply the relevant part of their Renovation Approach on two hypothetical reference buildings and report on the expected resulting performance of those buildings. The proposal is rated according to the Weighted Award Criteria.
In Phase I, six contractors apply their Renovation Approach and develop a specific Renovation Package for each of the six Demonstration Sites. The design level is schematic; planning and calculations are preliminary. Contractors and procurers interact via the Co-Design procedure (such a procedure must be included in the Renovation Approach) to clarify detail and decision-making. This phase aims to verify the conceptual, technological, organisational, regulatory, safety and budgetary feasibility of the solutions.
In Phase II, four contractors refine and increase the level of detail of their designs and organise tests of all user-facing ICT-systems. The design level is as detailed as possible without the requirement to constitute construction drawings. Planning and calculations should be final. The use of the Co-Design procedure should be intensified. This phase aims to turn the schematic design to detailed designs preparing all parties involved for rapid implementation; and to give future users the opportunity to test all ICT-systems.
In Phase III, two contractors implement their Renovation Packages at the three Demonstration Sites allocated to them. Designs are turned into construction drawings, the solutions are installed, made operational, maintained and performance data collected. Contractors and procurers interact via the Continuous Commissioning procedure (this must be included in the Renovation Approach) and demonstrate how O&M and contracting plays out in real-life. This phase serves to verify both the prototype Renovation Packages and the whole prototype Renovation Approach.
After the end of the project, it is the intent of procurers to continue the operation of the solutions at all Demonstrations Sites. To enable this, contractors will submit performance and O&M offers during Phase III based on the Renovation Package submitted. There is the possibility of a follow-up project (PPI) to ensure solutions can be scaled up depending on project success and whether service prices are, at this point, commercially competitive or require further support.
Pokaži več Merila za podelitev
Cena ni edino merilo za oddajo naročila, vsa merila pa so navedena le v dokumentaciji o javnem naročilu
Področje uporabe javnega naročila
Ocenjena skupna vrednost brez DDV: EUR 6 295 082 💰
Datum začetka: 2022-04-01 📅
Končni datum: 2024-06-30 📅
Področje uporabe javnega naročila
Informacije o skladih Evropske unije:
“This procurement receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement No 963648- procuRE...”
Informacije o skladih Evropske unije
This procurement receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement No 963648- procuRE ( The EU has given a grant for this procurement but is not participating as a contracting authority in the procurement.
Pokaži več Opis
Dodatne informacije:
“procuRE carried out a series of open market consultation (OMC) events in the period 22 April 2021 – 9 July 2021 to inform the specifications of the tender....”
Dodatne informacije
procuRE carried out a series of open market consultation (OMC) events in the period 22 April 2021 – 9 July 2021 to inform the specifications of the tender. All materials and recording are available at Participation in the OMC events is not a prerequisite for submitting a tender for this call.
Pravne, ekonomske, finančne in tehnične informacije Pogoji za sodelovanje
Seznam in kratek opis pogojev: /
Ekonomski in finančni položaj
Merila za izbor, kot so navedena v dokumentaciji o javnem naročilu
Tehnične in strokovne sposobnosti
Merila za izbor, kot so navedena v dokumentaciji o javnem naročilu
Pogoji v zvezi s pogodbo
Pogoji za izvajanje pogodbe:
“The tenders will be excluded if they do not meet the following requirements relating to the place of performance of the contract:
At least 50% of the total...”
Pogoji za izvajanje pogodbe
The tenders will be excluded if they do not meet the following requirements relating to the place of performance of the contract:
At least 50% of the total value of R&D activities covered by the framework agreement must be performed in the EU Member States or H2020 associated countries. The principal R&D staff working on the PCP must be located in the EU Member States or H2020 associated countries. For further information please read the tender documents.
Postopek Vrsta postopka
Odprti postopek
Informacije o okvirnem sporazumu ali dinamičnem nabavnem sistemu
Okvirni sporazum z več upravljavci
Administrativne informacije
Prejšnja objava v zvezi s tem postopkom: 2021/S 036-090107
Rok za prejem ponudb ali prošenj za sodelovanje: 2022-02-22
17:00 📅
Jeziki, v katerih se lahko predložijo ponudbe ali zahtevki za sodelovanje: angleščina 🗣️
Spodnji časovni okvir je izražen v številu mesecev.
Najkrajši rok, v katerem mora ponudnik ohraniti ponudbo: 6
Pogoji za odpiranje ponudb: 2022-02-23
09:00 📅
Pogoji za odpiranje ponudb (kraj): /
Pogoji za odpiranje ponudb (informacije o pooblaščenih osebah in postopek odpiranja): /
Dopolnilne informacije Informacije o elektronskih delovnih tokovih
Sprejeti bodo elektronski računi
Uporablja se elektronsko plačilo
Dodatne informacije
“The PCP procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the EU public procurement directives and the national laws that...”
The PCP procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the EU public procurement directives and the national laws that implement them (because it concerns the procurement of R&D services where the benefits do not accrue exclusively to the contracting authority for its use in the conduct of its own affairs).
Pokaži več Pregled telesa
Ime: Državna revizijska komisija za revizijo postopkov oddaje javnih naročil
Poštni naslov: Slovenska cesta 54
Poštno mesto: Ljubljana
Poštna številka: 1000
Država: Slovenija 🇸🇮
URL:🌏 Postopek pregleda
Natančne informacije o rokih za revizijske postopke:
“Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
Decisions taken with regard to the selection of Suppliers, awarding them with Phases 1, 2 or 3 or...”
Natančne informacije o rokih za revizijske postopke
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
Decisions taken with regard to the selection of Suppliers, awarding them with Phases 1, 2 or 3 or excluding them from the procuRE PCP Procedure can be challenged by means of an administrative remedy within a period of 10 days upon the formal notification of the decision. A decision dismissing the appeal could be challenged before the District Court of Velenje. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the execution of the framework agreement or of the phases contracts entered into between the buyers group and the supplier shall be heard by the District Court of Velenje.
Pokaži več
Vir: OJS 2021/S 231-609058 (2021-11-24)
Dodatne informacije (2022-02-18)
Dopolnilne informacije Sklic na prvotno obvestilo
Številka obvestila v UL S: 2021/S 231-609058
Spremembe Besedilo, ki ga je treba popraviti v prvotnem obvestilu
Številka oddelka: IV.2.2
Stara vrednost
Datum: 2022-02-22 📅
Čas: 17:00
Nova vrednost
Datum: 2022-03-08 📅
Čas: 17:00
Besedilo, ki ga je treba popraviti v prvotnem obvestilu
Številka oddelka: IV.2.7
Stara vrednost
Datum: 2022-02-23 📅
Čas: 09:00
Nova vrednost
Datum: 2022-03-09 📅
Čas: 09:00
Vir: OJS 2022/S 038-099152 (2022-02-18)
Dodatne informacije (2022-03-07)
Spremembe Besedilo, ki ga je treba popraviti v prvotnem obvestilu
Številka oddelka: IV.2.2
Stara vrednost
Datum: 2022-02-22 📅
Čas: 17:00
Nova vrednost
Datum: 2022-03-15 📅
Čas: 17:00
Besedilo, ki ga je treba popraviti v prvotnem obvestilu
Številka oddelka: IV.2.7
Stara vrednost
Datum: 2022-02-23 📅
Čas: 09:00
Nova vrednost
Datum: 2022-03-16 📅
Čas: 09:00
Vir: OJS 2022/S 050-130696 (2022-03-07)
Obvestilo o oddaji naročila (2022-05-17) Objekt Področje uporabe javnega naročila
Koda valute: EUR 💰
Skupna vrednost javnega naročila (brez DDV) (najnižja ponudba): 95210.00
Skupna vrednost naročila (brez DDV) (najvišja ponudba): 187577.00
Merila za podelitev
Merilo kakovosti (ime): Quality of the bid
Merilo kakovosti (utež): 80
Cena (utež): 20
Postopek Informacije o okvirnem sporazumu
Javno naročilo vključuje sklenitev okvirnega sporazuma
Administrativne informacije
Prejšnja objava v zvezi s tem postopkom: 2021/S 231-609058
Oddaja naročila
Naslov: Paradise
Informacije o razpisih
Število prejetih ponudb: 6
Naročilo je bilo oddano skupini gospodarskih subjektov ✅ Ime in naslov izvajalca
Ime: R2M Solution Spain SL
Poštno mesto: Madrid
Država: Španija 🇪🇸
Regija: Comunidad de Madrid 🏙️
Izvajalec je MSP ✅
Ime: R2M Solution SRL
Poštno mesto: Pavia
Država: Italija 🇮🇹
Regija: Pavia 🏙️
Ime: Prosume SRL
Poštno mesto: Milan
Regija: Milano 🏙️
Ime: Endef Engineering SL
Poštno mesto: Zaragoza
Regija: Zaragoza 🏙️
Ime: Aire Limpio 2000 SL
Poštno mesto: Madrid
Podatki o vrednosti naročila/dela (brez DDV)
Koda valute: EUR 💰
Najnižja ponudba: 95210.00
Najvišja ponudba: 187577.00
Naslov: Clarity
Ime in naslov izvajalca
Ime: Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A
Poštno mesto: Getxo
Regija: Bizkaia 🏙️
Izvajalec je MSP
Ime: Fundacio eurocat
Poštno mesto: Barcelona
Regija: Barcelona 🏙️ Podatki o vrednosti naročila/dela (brez DDV)
Koda valute: EUR 💰
Naslov: Sebr
Ime in naslov izvajalca
Ime: Defcon8 Enterprise
Ime: Lancey Energy Storage
Poštno mesto: Grenoble
Država: Francija 🇫🇷
Regija: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 🏙️
Ime: Itec
Ime: Mondas
Poštno mesto: Freiburg
Država: Nemčija 🇩🇪
Regija: Freiburg im Breisgau, Stadtkreis 🏙️
Ime: Cife
Poštno mesto: Nice
Regija: Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur 🏙️
Ime: 3OC
Poštno mesto: Paris
Regija: Paris 🏙️ Podatki o vrednosti naročila/dela (brez DDV)
Koda valute: EUR 💰
Dopolnilne informacije Dodatne informacije
“The PCP procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the EU public procurement directives and the national laws that...”
The PCP procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the EU public procurement directives and the national laws that implement them (because it concerns the procurement of R&D services where the benefits do not accrue exclusively to the contracting authority for its use in the conduct of its own affairs). Further iinformation is available on the website:
Pokaži več
Vir: OJS 2022/S 098-271114 (2022-05-17)
Obvestilo o oddaji naročila (2022-08-24) Objekt Področje uporabe javnega naročila
Skupna vrednost javnega naročila (brez DDV): EUR 1 414 752 💰
Merila za podelitev
Merilo kakovosti (ime): Quality
Oddaja naročila
Številka pogodbe: T005
“Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services for Breakthrough Solutions for 100% Renewable Energy Supply in Buildings”
Datum sklenitve pogodbe: 2022-08-10 📅
Informacije o razpisih
Število prejetih ponudb: 3
Število prejetih ponudb MSP: 2
Število prejetih ponudb ponudnikov iz drugih držav članic EU: 0
Število prejetih ponudb ponudnikov iz držav, ki niso članice EU: 0
Število ponudb, prejetih v elektronski obliki: 3
Podatki o vrednosti naročila/dela (brez DDV)
Skupna vrednost pogodbe/delca: EUR 1 414 752 💰
Številka pogodbe: T001
Informacije o razpisih
Število prejetih ponudb ponudnikov iz drugih držav članic EU: 3
Število ponudb, prejetih v elektronski obliki: 0
Podatki o vrednosti naročila/dela (brez DDV)
Skupna vrednost pogodbe/delca: EUR 1 414 752 💰
Številka pogodbe: T002
Skupna vrednost pogodbe/delca: EUR 1 414 752 💰
Vir: OJS 2022/S 165-469705 (2022-08-24)
Obvestilo o oddaji naročila (2023-09-14) Objekt Področje uporabe javnega naročila
Skupna vrednost javnega naročila (brez DDV): EUR 4 147 489 💰
Merila za podelitev
Merilo kakovosti (utež): 80%
Cena (utež): 20%
Oddaja naročila
Datum sklenitve pogodbe: 2023-07-31 📅
Ime in naslov izvajalca
Regija: Madrid 🏙️
Regija: Comunidad de Madrid 🏙️ Podatki o vrednosti naročila/dela (brez DDV)
Skupna vrednost pogodbe/delca: EUR 4 147 489 💰
Ime in naslov izvajalca
Regija: Isère 🏙️
Regija: Alpes-Maritimes 🏙️ Podatki o vrednosti naročila/dela (brez DDV)
Skupna vrednost pogodbe/delca: EUR 4 147 489 💰
Vir: OJS 2023/S 180-564280 (2023-09-14)