Octaspring is a new foam technology integrated in aircraft seating, CRC mattresses and support products and we are looking for professional photography services to produce high quality product and inspirational photography to launch the products in the market.
Rok za prejem ponudb je bil 2018-11-25.
Javno naročilo je bilo objavljeno na 2018-10-25.
Obvestilo o javnem naročilu (2018-10-25) Naročnik Ime in naslovi
Ime: Vanema storitve d.o.o.
Poštni naslov: Cesta Borisa Kidriča 15
Poštno mesto: Zagorje ob Savi
Poštna številka: 1410
Država: Slovenija 🇸🇮
Kontaktna oseba: Ieva Baradouska
Telefon: +44 1494899940📞
E-naslov: ieva.baradouska@studio-moderna.com📧
Regija: Osrednjeslovenska🏙️
URL: www.octaspringtechnology.com🌏 Informacije o skupnem javnem naročanju
Naročilo odda osrednji nabavni organ
URL dokumentov: www.octaspringtechnology.com/tenders🌏 Vrsta naročnika
Druga vrsta: Private company
Objekt Področje uporabe javnega naročila
Naslov: Photography Services for the New Aerospace technology Octaspring
Izdelki/storitve: Storitve studijskega fotografiranja📦
Kratek opis:
“Octaspring is a new foam technology integrated in aircraft seating, CRC mattresses and support products and we are looking for professional photography...”
Kratek opis
Octaspring is a new foam technology integrated in aircraft seating, CRC mattresses and support products and we are looking for professional photography services to produce high quality product and inspirational photography to launch the products in the market.
Pokaži več
Ocenjena vrednost brez DDV: EUR 30 000 💰
Dodatni izdelki/storitve: Fotografije📦
Dodatni izdelki/storitve: Storitve fotografiranja za oglaševalske namene📦
Dodatni izdelki/storitve: Specialne fotografske storitve📦
Dodatni izdelki/storitve: Storitve studijskega fotografiranja📦
Dodatni izdelki/storitve: Storitve razvijanja filmov📦
Kraj izvedbe: United Kingdom 🏙️
Glavno mesto ali kraj izvajanja:
“Company is based in Slovenia and UK, and preferred shoot location would be based in 1 of these countries, however other locations would be considered.”
Opis javnega naročila:
“Photographic service provided will be expected to:
— prepare a complete proposal (concept, mood boards) around the shoot list provided by us, using best way...”
Opis javnega naročila
Photographic service provided will be expected to:
— prepare a complete proposal (concept, mood boards) around the shoot list provided by us, using best way to present the idea in PowerPoint, pdf or video format,
— submit proposal in the form required in the guidelines,
— create a brief for each of the shoot segments, plan and organize the photoshoot and provide final set of photography,
— Sourcing location and/or studio, set build, props, equipment, staff (photographer, stylist, make up artist, models) planning and managing the project, being in charge of the timing, transfers, subcontractors, delivering images in the timeline given in the guidelines at the quality agreed,
— all taxes (including VAT) All communications with Vanema.
Pokaži več Merila za podelitev
Cena ni edino merilo za oddajo naročila, vsa merila pa so navedena le v dokumentaciji o javnem naročilu
Področje uporabe javnega naročila
Ocenjena skupna vrednost brez DDV: EUR 30 000 💰
Datum začetka: 2018-10-29 📅
Končni datum: 2018-11-20 📅
Informacije o različicah
Sprejete bodo tudi različice ✅ Informacije o elektronskih katalogih
Ponudbe morajo biti predložene v obliki elektronskih katalogov ali vključevati elektronski katalog
Področje uporabe javnega naročila
Informacije o skladih Evropske unije: H2020
Dodatne informacije:
“The images will be used to introduce the products to a wide range of potential consumers (airlines, trade and general public), leads, and media as well as...”
Dodatne informacije
The images will be used to introduce the products to a wide range of potential consumers (airlines, trade and general public), leads, and media as well as being be used for general public and potential customers to educate them about the solutions that will be available to improve their experiences.
Pravne, ekonomske, finančne in tehnične informacije Pogoji za sodelovanje
Seznam in kratek opis pogojev:
“— The extent of knowledge and experience in relation to the project scope,
— proven ability to successfully coordinate the activity,
— the Vendor must...”
Seznam in kratek opis pogojev
— The extent of knowledge and experience in relation to the project scope,
— proven ability to successfully coordinate the activity,
— the Vendor must clearly articulate that they have adequate time and resources to devote to the project,
— understanding of the scope and objectives of the proposal,
— organization of proposal including proposed approach, work plan and schedule.
Cost: The total budget allocation for the Vanema stand and organizational component of this project will not exceed 30 000 EUR including any and all taxes.
Pokaži več Ekonomski in finančni položaj
Seznam in kratek opis meril za izbor:
Maximum budget: 10 pts.
20 % below maximum budget: 20 pts.
30 % below maximum budget: 30 pts.” Tehnične in strokovne sposobnosti
Seznam in kratek opis meril za izbor:
“Completeness of the proposal, suitability, design aesthetics and creative ideas.
Allocation of the points:
— 4 criteria achieved: 40 pts,
— 3 criteria...”
Seznam in kratek opis meril za izbor
Completeness of the proposal, suitability, design aesthetics and creative ideas.
Allocation of the points:
— 4 criteria achieved: 40 pts,
— 3 criteria achieved: 30 pcs,
— 2 criteria achieved: 20 pcs,
— 1 criteria achieved: 10 pts.
Pokaži več Pogoji za sodelovanje
Pogoji za sodelovanje (tehnična in strokovna sposobnost):
“Previous experience in photography services and proven track record with executing similar size of photo shoots in past.” Pogoji v zvezi s pogodbo
Pogoji za izvajanje pogodbe:
“— The extent of knowledge and experience in relation to the project scope,
— proven ability to successfully coordinate the activity,
— the Vendor must...”
Pogoji za izvajanje pogodbe
— The extent of knowledge and experience in relation to the project scope,
— proven ability to successfully coordinate the activity,
— the Vendor must clearly articulate that they have adequate time and resources to devote to the project,
— understanding of the scope and objectives of the proposal,
— organization of proposal including proposed approach, work plan and schedule.
Cost: The total budget allocation for the Vanema stand and organizational component of this project will not exceed 30 000 EUR including any and all taxes.
Postopek Vrsta postopka
Odprti postopek
Informacije o okvirnem sporazumu ali dinamičnem nabavnem sistemu
Okvirni sporazum z enim izvajalcem
Administrativne informacije
Prejšnja objava v zvezi s tem postopkom: 2018/S 158-362183
Rok za prejem ponudb ali prošenj za sodelovanje: 2018-11-25
17:00 📅
Jeziki, v katerih se lahko predložijo ponudbe ali zahtevki za sodelovanje: angleščina 🗣️
Ponudba mora biti veljavna do: 2018-11-30 📅
Pogoji za odpiranje ponudb: 2018-11-25
17:00 📅
Dopolnilne informacije Informacije o elektronskih delovnih tokovih
Sprejeti bodo elektronski računi
Uporablja se elektronsko plačilo
Pregled telesa
Ime: Vanema storitve d.o.o.
Poštni naslov: Cesta Borisa Kidriča 15
Poštno mesto: Zagorje ob savi
Poštna številka: 1410
Država: Slovenija 🇸🇮
Telefon: +44 1494899940📞
E-naslov: tenders@studio-moderna.com📧
URL: www.octaspringtechnology.com🌏 Postopek pregleda
Natančne informacije o rokih za revizijske postopke:
“30.11. — review of the proposals
1.12.. — selection of the service provider
24.12 — delivery of photography” Služba, pri kateri je mogoče dobiti informacije o postopku pregleda
Ime: Vanema d.o.o.
Poštno mesto: Zagorje ob savi
Država: Slovenija 🇸🇮
Telefon: +44 1494899940📞
E-naslov: ieva.baradouska@studio-moderna.com📧
URL: www.octaspringtechnology.com🌏
Vir: OJS 2018/S 208-475134 (2018-10-25)
Dodatne informacije (2018-10-29) Naročnik Ime in naslovi
Ime: Vanema storitve d.o.o
Objekt Področje uporabe javnega naročila
Naslov: Photography Services for the New Aerospace Technology Octaspring
Dopolnilne informacije Sklic na prvotno obvestilo
Številka obvestila v UL S: 2018/S 208-475134
Spremembe Besedilo, ki ga je treba popraviti v prvotnem obvestilu
Številka oddelka: I.1
Stara vrednost
“Name and addresses
Vanema storitve d.o.o.
Cesta Borisa Kidriča 15,
Zagorje ob Savi
Contact person: Ieva Baradouska
Telephone: +44...”
Name and addresses
Vanema storitve d.o.o.
Cesta Borisa Kidriča 15,
Zagorje ob Savi
Contact person: Ieva Baradouska
Telephone: +44 1494899940
E-mail: ieva.baradouska@studio-moderna.com
NUTS code: SI041
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.octaspringtechnology.com
Pokaži več Nova vrednost
“Name and addresses
Vanema storitve d.o.o.
Cesta Borisa Kidriča 15,
Zagorje ob Savi
Contact person: Ieva Baradouska
Telephone: +44...”
Name and addresses
Vanema storitve d.o.o.
Cesta Borisa Kidriča 15,
Zagorje ob Savi
Contact person: Ieva Baradouska
Telephone: +44 1494899940
E-mail: tenders@studio-moderna.com
NUTS code: SI041
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.octaspringtechnology.com
Pokaži več Besedilo, ki ga je treba popraviti v prvotnem obvestilu
Številka oddelka: II.1.5
Stara vrednost
Besedilo: Value excluding VAT: 30 000,00 EUR
Nova vrednost
Besedilo: Value including VAT: 30 000,00 EUR
Besedilo, ki ga je treba popraviti v prvotnem obvestilu
Številka oddelka: II.2.6
Stara vrednost
Besedilo: Value excluding VAT: 30 000,00 EUR
Nova vrednost
Besedilo: Value including VAT: 30 000,00 EUR
Vir: OJS 2018/S 210-480900 (2018-10-29)
Obvestilo o oddaji naročila (2019-04-23) Objekt Opis
Glavno mesto ali kraj izvajanja:
“Company is based in Slovenia and UK, and preferred shoot location would be based in one of these countries, however other locations would be considered.”
Opis javnega naročila:
“Photographic service provided will be expected to:
— prepare a complete proposal (concept, mood boards) around the shoot list provided by us, using best way...”
Opis javnega naročila
Photographic service provided will be expected to:
— prepare a complete proposal (concept, mood boards) around the shoot list provided by us, using best way to present the idea in PowerPoint, pdf or video format,
— submit proposal in the form required in the guidelines,
— create a brief for each of the shoot segments, plan and organize the photoshoot and provide final set of photography,
— sourcing location and/or studio, set build, props, equipment, staff (photographer, stylist, make up artist, models),
— planning and managing the project, being in charge of the timing, transfers, subcontractors, delivering images in the timeline given in the guidelines at the quality agreed,
— all taxes (including VAT),
— all communications with Vanema
Pokaži več Merila za podelitev
Merilo stroškov (ime): Budget
Merilo stroškov (ponderiranje): 30
Dodatne informacije:
“The images will be used to introduce the products to a wide range of potential consumers (airlines, trade and general public), leads, and media as well as...”
Dodatne informacije
The images will be used to introduce the products to a wide range of potential consumers (airlines, trade and general public), leads, and media as well as being be used for general public & potential customers to educate them about the solutions that will be available to improve their experiences.
Postopek Informacije o okvirnem sporazumu
Javno naročilo vključuje sklenitev okvirnega sporazuma
Administrativne informacije
Prejšnja objava v zvezi s tem postopkom: 2018/S 208-475134
Oddaja naročila
Naslov: Photography Services for the New Aerospace Technology Octaspring
Informacije o nepovratnih sredstvih
Nobena ponudba ali prošnja za sodelovanje ni bila prejeta ali pa so bile vse zavrnjene
Dopolnilne informacije Postopek pregleda
Natančne informacije o rokih za revizijske postopke:
“30.11) Review of the proposals.
1.12.) Selection of the service provider.
24.12) Delivery of photography.”
Vir: OJS 2019/S 081-193943 (2019-04-23)