The provision of maintenance and development services for the IT applications of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

The provision of services which shall provide the Agency with maintenance, support and development services for the IT applications with the aim to create, manage, and further improve the Agency's IT applications which represent a vital electronic process to deliver its tasks and to strengthen its overall communication and cooperation with its target audiences at any level.

Rok za prejem ponudb je bil 2016-09-14. Javno naročilo je bilo objavljeno na 2016-07-20.

V odločitvah o oddaji naročila ali drugih dokumentih o javnem naročilu so navedeni naslednji dobavitelji:


Zgodovina javnih naročil
Datum Dokument
2016-07-20 Obvestilo o javnem naročilu
2016-08-26 Dodatne informacije
2016-11-22 Obvestilo o oddaji naročila
2016-11-22 Obvestilo o oddaji naročila