IT consultancy services for the implementation of the Agency's REMIT information system (ARIS) for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Provision of IT consultancy services for the implementation of ARIS, the Agency's REMIT information system, namely IT specialised support services in the following IT fields: IT security, IT SDLC (software development life cycle), IT enterprise architecture, IT quality, database, data warehouse, design and management of complex IT systems, and energy trading and risk management systems and platforms.

Rok za prejem ponudb je bil 2013-10-01. Javno naročilo je bilo objavljeno na 2013-08-01.

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Zgodovina javnih naročil
Datum Dokument
2013-08-01 Obvestilo o javnem naročilu
2014-04-02 Obvestilo o oddaji naročila