Supply of steam GEN-SET for CCPP Toplarna Ljubljana no. PPE TOL/ST LOT2

Termoelektrarna Toplarna Ljubljana, d.o.o.

Supply of equipment and associated services for lot 2: supply of steam gen-set for CCPP Toplarna Ljubljana No. PPE TOL/ST lot 2; scope of suppy: steam gen-set: turbine and generator of steam unit (ca 40 MWe) with ancillary equipment, lubrication and hydraulic oil system, gland steam system, condenser with ancillary equipment, condenser vacuum system, condensate extraction pumps with ancillary equipment, gen-set control system and other services needed in the scope of PPE TOL LOT2 works.

Rok za prejem ponudb je bil 2011-10-06. Javno naročilo je bilo objavljeno na 2011-07-04.



Zgodovina javnih naročil
Datum Dokument
2011-07-04 Obvestilo o javnem naročilu