Javna naročila v Slovenija
Dobavitelj: Miguel Ferro
Dobavitelj: Miguel Ferro
Eno arhivirano javno naročilo
Miguel Ferro je bil v preteklosti dobavitelj
storitve na področju raziskav in razvoja ter s tem povezane svetovalne storitve
poslovne storitve: pravo, trženje, svetovanje, zaposlovanje, tiskanje in varnost
pravne storitve
V preteklosti so bili konkurenčni ponudniki
AF Mercados Energy Markets International S.A.
Cambridge Economic Policy Associates Limited
CE – Onderzoek, Advies en Consultancy voor Durrzaamheid B.V.
Eduardo Abril
Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar
Evelyne Ameye
Exergia Energy and Environment Consultants S.A.
Fieldfisher (Belgium) LLP
Grant Thornton Advisory s.r.o.
Grant Thornton Tax and Business Advisory S.A.
Nedavna javna naročila, pri katerih je bil omenjen dobavitelj Miguel Ferro
Provision of legal and economic assistance in the field of energy regulation for the Agency for the Cooperation of...
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
The subject of the contract(s) is the provision of services for the assistance to the Agency in legal and economic matters in the areas of the Agency's competences for electricity and gas regulation. The services covered by the tender are divided into 2 lots in order to group the requested services into coherent batches corresponding to different professional expertise. The requested services are of intellectual nature in the areas of legal assistance (lot 1) and economic assistance (lot 2) in the field …
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Omenjeni dobavitelji:
AF Mercados Energy Markets International S.A.
Cambridge Economic Policy Associates Limited
CE – Onderzoek, Advies en Consultancy...
Eduardo Abril
Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar
Evelyne Ameye
Exergia Energy and Environment Consultants S.A.
Fieldfisher (Belgium) LLP
Grant Thornton Advisory s.r.o.
Grant Thornton Tax and Business Advisory S.A.
Grimaldi Studio Legale
IIT – Universidad Pontífica de Comillas
Julia Suderow
KPMG Asesores S.L.
Law Firm Bekina, Škurla, Durmiš and Spajić d.o.o.
Law firm Ellex Valiūnas ir partneriai
Miguel Ferro
Trinomics B.V.
Valdani Vicari and Associati S.r.l.
VIS Economic and Energy Consultants...
Sorodna iskanja
Zahodna Slovenija
AF Mercados Energy Markets International S.A.
Cambridge Economic Policy Associates Limited
CE – Onderzoek, Advies en Consultancy...
Eduardo Abril
Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar
Evelyne Ameye
Exergia Energy and Environment Consultants S.A.
Fieldfisher (Belgium) LLP
Grant Thornton Advisory s.r.o.
Grant Thornton Tax and Business Advisory S.A.
Storitve na področju raziskav in...
Poslovne storitve: pravo, trženje,...
Pravne storitve
Tržne in ekonomske raziskave;...
Podjetniško in managersko svetovanje ter...