Javna naročila: Storitve posredovanja pisarniškega pomožnega osebja

2 arhivirana javna naročila

Nedavne nabave na spletni strani storitve posredovanja pisarniškega pomožnega osebja v Slovenija

2017-05-17   Provision of temporary agency workers to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators)
The purpose of the contract is to provide the Agency with the necessary temporary agency workers in a timely fashion and in line with profiles requested in order to facilitate the Agency in carrying out tasks of temporary nature. Oglejte si javna naročila »
Omenjeni dobavitelji: ATAMA agencija za zaposlovanje, d.o.o., Ljubljana Trenkwalder kadrovske storitve, d.o.o.
2014-08-22   Provision of temporary agency workers to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators)
The Agency shall conclude multiple framework contracts in cascade with maximum 3 contractors for the provision of temporary agency workers. Oglejte si javna naročila »
Omenjeni dobavitelji: Atama d.o.o. NATON d.o.o.