Javna naročila: Splošne storitve javne uprave

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V preteklosti so bili dobavitelji na tem področju IPM Institut ZA Politicni Menedzment in IPM Komunikacije.

Nedavne nabave na spletni strani splošne storitve javne uprave v Slovenija

2020-11-24   Management of the Information Centre and Europa Experience Multimedia Centre of the EU House in Ljubljana (European Commission, COMM — Communication, COMM.DGA1.C.LJ — Ljubljana — Representation Slovenia)
The subject matter of the contract is the provision of services for the European Commission Representation and the European Parliament in Slovenia. The representation, as the main contracting authority, is seeking a qualified and experienced contractor to provide management of the Information Centre and Europa Experience Multimedia Centre of the EU House in Ljubljana. Oglejte si javna naročila »
Omenjeni dobavitelji: IPM Institut ZA Politicni Menedzment IPM Komunikacije