Javna naročila v Slovenija
Storitve informacijske tehnologije: svetovanje, razvoj programske opreme, internet in podpora
Storitve programiranja programske opreme in svetovanja pri programski opremi
Storitve, povezane s programsko opremo
Storitve svetovanja o programski opremi
Javna naročila: Storitve svetovanja o programski opremi
3 arhivirana javna naročila
V preteklosti so bili dobavitelji na tem področju
1st contractor: Lutech SpA
2nd contractor: Capgemini Italia SpA
3rd contractor: Intrasoft International SA
AXIANSEU digital solutions S.A.
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A.
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA
INTRASOFT International S.A.
KPMG Advisory S.p.A.
Lutech SpA
Storitve informacijske tehnologije: svetovanje, razvoj programske opreme, internet in podpora
Storitve programiranja programske opreme in svetovanja pri programski opremi
Storitve, povezane s programsko opremo
Podporne storitve za programsko opremo
Storitve razvoja programske opreme
Storitve izvajanja programske opreme
Storitve konfiguracije programske opreme
Storitve svetovanja o programski opremi
Storitve vzdrževanja in popravila programske opreme
Storitve oskrbe s programsko opremo
Nedavne nabave na spletni strani storitve svetovanja o programski opremi v Slovenija
IT system integration services and IT consultancy services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
The Agency intends to enter into multiple framework contracts in cascade for the management and maintenance of the already functional and operational REMIT infrastructure and applications by means of the provision of IT system integration services under lot 1 and IT consultancy services under lot 2.
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Omenjeni dobavitelji:
AXIANSEU digital solutions S.A.
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A.
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA
INTRASOFT International S.A.
Lutech SpA
S and T Slovenija, Informacijske rešitve...
S&T Slovenija, Informacijske rešitve in...
UniSystems Systemes Informatique SA
IT consultancy services for the implementation of the Agency's REMIT information system (ARIS) for the Agency for...
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Provision of IT consultancy services for the implementation of ARIS, the Agency's REMIT information system, namely IT specialised support services in the following IT fields: IT security, IT SDLC (software development life cycle), IT enterprise architecture, IT quality, database, data warehouse, design and management of complex IT systems, and energy trading and risk management systems and platforms.
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Omenjeni dobavitelji:
KPMG Advisory S.p.A.
S&T Slovenija, informacijske rešitve in...
Web application development services and consultancy services for the implementation of the REMIT information system (ARIS)
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
The provision of Web application development, software maintenance and remote support to stakeholder services and IT specialised support and consultancy services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators.
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Omenjeni dobavitelji:
1st contractor: Lutech SpA
2nd contractor: Capgemini Italia SpA
3rd contractor: Intrasoft International SA
Non-award of contract
Sorodna iskanja
Zahodna Slovenija
1st contractor: Lutech SpA
2nd contractor: Capgemini Italia SpA
3rd contractor: Intrasoft International SA
AXIANSEU digital solutions S.A.
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A.
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA
INTRASOFT International S.A.
KPMG Advisory S.p.A.
Lutech SpA
Storitve informacijske tehnologije:...
Storitve programiranja programske opreme...
Storitve sistemskega in tehničnega svetovanja
Storitve strateške revizije in...
Storitve informacijske tehnologije
Storitve sistemske analize in programiranja
Storitve svetovanja o sistemih
Storitve, povezane s programsko opremo
Storitve svetovanja o programski opremi
Storitve računalniške podpore in svetovanja