Javna naročila: Vanema storitve d.o.o.

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Nedavna javna naročila Vanema storitve d.o.o.

2019-01-07   Invitation to Tender for Trade Show Stand Aircraft Interiour EXPO, Hamburg 2019 (Vanema storitve d.o.o.)
Vanema is currently reviewing service providers for stand building services for the Aircraft Interior EXPO in Hamburg 2019 that will take place from 2-4th of April in Hamburg. Vanema is planning to promote, disseminate information and finding new customers for the Octaspring technology in aviation sector and will exhibit’s product portfolio for aviation industry in the stand 1D44, in the size of 49 m (7 x 7 m). Oglejte si javna naročila »
Omenjeni dobavitelji: Globez SDN BHD
2018-10-25   Photography Services for the New Aerospace technology Octaspring (Vanema storitve d.o.o.)
Octaspring is a new foam technology integrated in aircraft seating, CRC mattresses and support products and we are looking for professional photography services to produce high quality product and inspirational photography to launch the products in the market. Oglejte si javna naročila »